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> Aceites Esotericos > Aceite Amansa Guapo 125 ml

Aceite Amansa Guapo 125 ml
Aceite Amansa Guapo 125 ml
Referencia: AAMANSA

Este Aceite se utiliza para calmar y amansar a las personas rebeldes, peleonas o conflictivas (hijos, maridos, etc). Su poder calma y ofrece relax.


Taming the Bully Oil.

Use Taming The Bully Fragranced Spiritual Oil to calm a person, if it`s a couple to have him/her docile to your words and demands or also to help calm someone with emotional stress. Oils can be used to dress candles, it could be use on the body and or to make any kind of rituals. *Please read ingredients before any contact with the skin to avoid any allergic reaction.

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